Beyond Chocolate - Sophie Boss
Beyond Chocolate is a course for women who don’t like their bodies, are unhappy with their weight, are either on a diet or eating for Britain!
The aim of Beyond Chocolate is to provide a safe supportive environment for women to explore their relationship with food and to begin to regain control over their eating habits and their lives.
Beyond Chocolate takes women through a process of identifying their destructive behavior patterns and gives them the tools to transform them into positive action that works for them.
Beyond Chocolate gives women freedom from the continual battle with food and weight, enabling them to focus their energies in more positive ways thus enhancing their lives.
Beyond Chocolate is an eight week course, running one evening per week from 7pm till 10.00 pm or a residential weekend from Friday evening to Sunday mid afternoon.
Beyond Chocolate is exclusively for women, there are up to 12 women in each group.
Beyond Chocolate is NOT a diet and there are no rules.
For more details have a look at the website