The Gift of Yoga Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions and is a tool that allows us to withdraw from the chaos of the world and find a quiet space within. To achieve this, yoga uses movement, breath, posture, relaxation and meditation in order to establish a healthy, vibrant and balanced approach.
The essence of yoga is to be in the driver's seat of life. Control is a key aspect of yoga: control of the body, breath and mind. The secret of yoga practice lies in a simple but important word: balance. In every area of our life, yoga represents balanced moderation.
We offer classes for beginners and experienced Yogi's as well as private classes either here in our studio or at your premises. We also run Yoga holidays email us with any questions.
We supply mats and changing rooms for Yoga classes.
Click here for Tips & Further Information on the history of Yoga
Also see our Yoga photo gallery!
Types of Yoga: Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Dynamic Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga/Pilates Fusion & Pregnancy Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga means -Union of force.
At the beginning of the 20th Century, a number of inspired and influential teachers of Hatha Yoga emerged in India. They adapted the ancient Asana's to the Western world using different combinations of postures and breathing exercises and emphasizing different aspects of the tradition. Hatha Yoga is a form of body postures that energises the body physically, mentally and spiritually. For all of you who are suffering from body tension, stress or just looking to keep muscle tone, flexibility and concentration Hatha Yoga will benefit you. Hatha Yoga concentrated on a series of postures that detoxifies the vital organs, and takes you to a deep relaxation state.

Ashtanga Yoga
If you are looking for strength and fitness Ashtanga Yoga can provide just that and much more. It is commonly known as "power yoga," ashtanga is a flowing practice that utilizes challenging postures synchronized with breathing techniques. The poses are linked together and taught in set sequences. Each series of poses must be mastered before the student embarks on the next. Ashtanga is a strength-oriented practice, with intense stretching in most of the poses. It produces internal heat and external sweating that detoxifies the body, improves circulation, flexibility and stamina.

Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga consists of classical yoga postures that are taught with emphasis on dynamic precision and alignment, aided when necessary by various props to maximize opening and awareness. Its aim is to emphasise ones alignment so one's mind is focused on the action and feeling of the pose. The result makes one aware of the moment bringing about deep relaxation. So if you are looking to develop your stability and concentration, revitalize your body then Iyengar is the Yoga for you.
Dynamic Tantra Yoga
Dynamic Tantra is a fusion of several traditions of yoga. It combines Kundalini, Sivanada with more dynamic yoga.
Working on a deep level with chakras, the aim is to move your energy up to the higher chakras, transforming stress into positive creative energy and detoxifying the body.
On a mental level it increases concentration, focuses your mind and sharpens the senses. On an esoteric or spiritual level it converts energy to open the heart, the throat making you express better, speak more confidently and opens the third eye which governs intuition, understanding and floods the body with consciousness.
Tantra is a creative yoga. It is suited to anyone wishing to release their creativity through exercise.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of awareness; its aim is to promote higher consciousness. It is a complete science and deals the physical body, the energies of the body such as prana (life energy) and the energy centres of the spine. It works on breathing techniques, postures, sound vibrations, hand positions, and mental focus and of course relaxation. If you are looking for a happier, healthy and spiritual way of life Kundalini Yoga is one for you to try.
Recommend a Friend
This spring we are asking our students to bring a friend along to any of our classes and they will both get the class half price!

Yoga/Pilates Fusion < go to Pilates page.
Yoga for Pregnancy
Yoga for pregnancy is a specialised form of yoga designed to help women enjoy the experience of pregnancy and childbirth. Classes at Templeton House are taught by Julia Oji. Julia is a qualified British Wheel of Yoga teacher. She has been practising yoga for over 20 years and a teacher for 8 years. She trained in pregnancy yoga with Dr Francoise Barbira Freedman, author of 'Yoga for Pregnancy' and 'Postnatal Yoga', and founder and director of Birthlight, the educational charity which promotes a holistic approach to birth.
Classes focus on the health and well-being of the mother as she goes through pregnancy, and on the birth itself. Traditional yoga postures and breathing exercises are adapted to meet the needs of pregnant women. This cultivates an openness of the body and mind. Women can then learn to relax and make space for the baby growing inside them.
Breathing techniques are taught to aid and enhance the birthing process. 'Breathing your baby out', rather than pushing, makes for a gentler birth. The style of the classes is to use movement to encourage women to find their inner rhythm, which can then be applied in birthing. Unlike other forms of birth coaching involving breathing techniques, yoga breathing relies on intuition rather than memory. Different birthing positions are also explored, using gravity and maximum opening of the pelvis. By both expanding breathing capacity and stretching, women gain greater confidence and control through familiarity with the low abdominal and perineal muscles. They are able to recognise, isolate and activate the different muscle groups involved in the birthing process, so that contractions are used in the most effective way. This minimises the damage to the perineum and can reduce the need for pain-relieving drugs. It also helps reduce the anxiety felt - especially by first-time mothers - and can be useful for those wishing to have a vaginal birth after a caesarean section.Traditional yoga postures are adapted to strengthen the spinal muscles and help to prevent backache. Other benefits of yoga during pregnancy include getting back into shape more quickly after the birth and reducing the risk of stretch marks, heartburn, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, postnatal depression and gynaecological problems later in life. The relaxation techniques can help not only throughout pregnancy but in the adjustment period after the baby is born. The pregnancy classes at Templeton House are small in size, allowing the teacher to give individual attention to each woman at her particular stage of pregnancy. No previous experience of yoga is necessary, but women must be over 14 weeks pregnant to attend.