Digestive and Cardiovascular Health

Georgios Tzenichristos

FREE health assessments on Wednesday 12th October 2005

After the overwhelming success of Georgios' free health assessments on 14 September we decided to give everybody who missed out a chance to meet him as well.

Book now by replying to this email or call .
Bookings between 11am-6pm, limited places available.

After 20 years of experience with nutrition and health in general (as an athlete, as a patient and as a therapist) Georgios has developed three exclusive, efficient and cost-effective techniques for the improvement of Digestive System Disorders, Cardiovascular Health and Metabolic Resistance. All techniques are based on both scientific and personal research, have been successfully applied in practice in numerous cases and are guaranteed to give visible results in a cost-effective way.

Please choose between the following options:

15' Intestinal Lining Therapy Free Consultation. Ideal for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diarrhoea, Constipation. You will have time to outline your problem and Georgios can tell you if and how he can help you with nutrition and supplementation. You may ask questions about digestive problems in general or his treatment in specific. If you satisfied with the free consultation you may want to book a 60' full consultation with him (£65). Georgios is so confident of the success of his treatments that he is happy to offer you a money back guarantee on the consultation if you don't see results in as little as 15 days and don't want to continue!

15' "Artery Health Analysis" Free Consultation. Ideal for High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Poor Circulation. You will outline your problem (usually blood pressure or high cholesterol or heart disease). He will also offer you a free artery stiffness assessment, the most accurate predictor of cardiovascular disease, better than cholesterol/blood pressure measurements. You may ask questions about cardiovascular health in general or his treatment in specific. If you are happy with what Georgios has to give you, you may want to book a 60' full consultation with him (£65). Georgios is so confident of the success of his treatments that he is happy to offer you a money back guarantee on the consultation if you don't see results in as little as 15 days and don't want to continue!

15' "Metabolic Resistance Reversal" Free Consultation. Ideal for Weight Loss Difficulties, Improved Energy, Mood Swings, Improved Health. You will outline your weight problem and Georgios can explain to you his programme for fat loss and health improvement. You may ask questions about metabolism and weight loss in general or his treatment in specific. If you like what you hear you may want to book a 60' full consultation with him (£65). Georgios is so confident of the success of his weight loss program that he is happy to offer you a money back guarantee on the consultation if you don't see results in as little as 15 days and don't want to continue!


The sessions will be held at Templeton House, .

Georgios Tzenichristos is qualified in sports therapy and nutrition
and has a 17 year experience in those fields. He specialises and has
a personal interest in:

1. Cardiovascular health, especially high blood pressure and cholesterol lowering. In addition, Georgios offers Artery Health Analysis, a revolutionary cardiovascular health assessment that determines artery stiffness, the most important indicator of cardiovascular damage, in just 15 minutes.

2. Digestive Health: Georgios developed a technique called Intestinal Lining Therapy, for the successful treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, chronic diarrhea and related complaints, in as little as 1-3 months.

3. Fat Loss: Georgios specialises in reversing metabolic resistance, a factor that stops many women from losing weight, especially when they encounter a "plateau" after dieting for some time.

Please visit www.iht.uk.com for more details or contact Georgios at
or on .