Detox Holiday

Colon Detox Retreat with Desmond O'Rafferty
"The colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we are well and happy; let it stagnate and it will distil the poisons of decay; fermentation and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we function at less than our optimal level, become lethargic, tired, irritable, can become mentally depressed, and generally we are classified as toxic.”

Most of us in the west have no idea of the seriousness of clearing our colons and the mucoid plaque from the walls of the intestines. Layers of thick mucous like plaque builds up through out the length of the intestinal tract from the processed and preservative ridden foods we eat and have eaten since childhood.
When we do eat fresh wholesome foods, this mucous lining prevents nutrients being absorbed through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream. An apple loaded with vitamin C as it were becomes in vain.
Most of us in the west have no idea of the seriousness of clearing our colons and the mucoid plaque from the walls of the intestines. Layers of thick mucous like plaque builds up through out the length of the intestinal tract from the processed and preservative ridden foods we eat and have eaten since childhood. When we do eat fresh wholesome foods, this mucous lining prevents nutrients being absorbed through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream. An apple loaded with vitamin C as it were becomes in vain.
This, coupled with the statistic that 99% of people are still carrying impacted fermenting faecal matter in their colons from childhood, and we wonder why we can’t get clarity, often become stressed, experience skin problems, premature ageing, irritable bowel syndrome, candida, growths, cysts, hormone imbalances, constipation, food allergies, bronchial disorders, disease, aches, pains, head aches, weight gain, early signs of arthritis, bad breathe, tooth decay, foggy eyes, thinning hair etc. Most of us have never experienced an optimal state of health.

SOLUTION: 6 days of deep tissue, bowel cleansing and intestinal detoxification
…A colon detox retreat with Desmond O’Rafferty.

At 70 years of age Desmond O’Rafferty lives in Germany with his 35 year old wife and two small children of 2 and 4. He is youthful example of the anti aging detoxification methods he teaches. Desmond is a trained Bowel Ecologist with over 30 years experience. He teaches the ancient art of Hawaiian colon cleansing through a fasting method, with specialist methods to clean naturally the stomach, colon, intestines and detoxify the entire body in just 6 days. He has lived in the Himalayas with his yoga master and spent two years training with a Zen master. Most of Desmond’s years have been spent in Swedish communes practicing and teaching optimal health.

RESULTS: Upon completion of the fast, participants experience, increased mental and emotional clarity, energy like you will not have experienced previously, weight loss, clear skin, lustrous hair, bright eyes, reduced abdominal bloating, clearing of candida albicans and yeast overgrowths, reduced inflammation of sore joints and any pained areas, sweetness of breath and body aroma’s, freedom from trapped wind, colitis, constipation, and a remarkable improvement in divicular abnormalities and many disorders of the bowel/intestines where applicable. Each of the body’s organs will be functioning at an increased level of wellness, and the blood benefits intensely from the purification process of having rid the body of accumulated harmful toxins and hence many symptoms of disease, and general un-wellness are known to subside as a result. The ph levels of the body return to a healthy balance.

Treatment begins early in the morning by drinking slightly salted water. This is followed by a powdered formula administered at intervals through out the day, containing psyllium, bentonite, and healing herbs. The remainder of the day only sweet water and herbal teas are ingested. Supporting this process yoga is taught daily, meditation, mental & emotional training and re-birthing are offered.
Resting and contemplation are encouraged throughout the course
Each person usually partakes in viewing and discussing their faeces with Desmond on and individual basis daily. (This is optional, but keep in mind it is one of the most valuable attributes of the cleanse. You be relieved that’s its all better out than in!)

* Day 6 of the cleanse, participants and Desmond prepare a whole food banquet and celebrate. For those that need to leave early bring a ‘lunch box

*Participants are asked in preparation for the cleanse, to eat simple fruits only the day prior.

*Colon cleansing is able to augment any other therapy individuals may be receiving

WHEN: June 2003
WHERE: Sunny South of France

This is inclusive of Desmond’s personalised attention, flights, all herbs, equipment, banquet supplies, sundry AND 7 nights accommodation in an idyllic location.

Please contact us at Templeton House Studio and we will reserve a place for you.